Near & Dear
Cherished Keepsakes
Every Keepsake Stone I make is created by mixing liquid resin with the keepsakes and inclusions you request, and then the resin stone is allowed to cure (harden). I ensure that all keepsakes are properly preserved prior to mixing with resin. Doing so prevents discoloration of the resin stone containing your precious keepsakes.
Once you receive your Keepsake Jewelry, I strongly recommend that it’s treated like a highly polished stone in a fine piece of jewelry. Resin is a material that is technically classified as a plastic, and even the finest treatment can still yield imperfections in a piece of resin jewelry. I want to make sure all of the information for its care is readily available to my customers, because with proper long term care these stones should stay looking beautiful!
How to properly care for your precious keepsake once received:
Remove your Keepsake Jewelry prior to using harsh cleaning products/soaps/sanitizers (this will prevent harsh chemicals from tarnishing sterling silver, and discoloring your Keepsake stone). Products containing alcohol and/or other solvents can dull the finish of the resin. If this happens contact me and we can discuss working to repair or replace the Keepsake Stone.
Remove your Keepsake Jewelry prior to hand washing, baths, showers, hot spas, swimming pools (water, chlorine, salt, and heat can discolor/affect your Keepsake Jewelry). Extreme changes in temperature can cause metal to expand and contract which could cause the setting to loosen.
Avoid wearing your Keepsake Jewelry while exercising, or at bedtime (excessive perspiration and natural body oils can potentially cause your Keepsake Jewelry to tarnish).
When putting on your Keepsake Jewelry be sure that any lotions, perfume, or cosmetics that you’ve applied have absorbed and are dry prior to wearing your Keepsake (this will prevent any discoloration/damage).
Make sure to apply all hair products (especially hairspray!) prior to wearing your Keepsake Jewelry (these products could create a film on the jewelry metal and Keepsake Stone).
Proper storage while your Keepsake Jewelry isn’t being worn:
It is best to store your Keepsake jewelry in a cool/dark/dry area where it will not be exposed to excessive heat, sunlight, or moisture (excessive heat/sunlight can cause discoloration/yellowing of the Keepsake Stone, and moisture can accelerate tarnishing of sterling silver).
You should consider placing each piece of sterling silver jewelry into its own plastic bag and removing air from the bag. This will prevent it from coming into contact with contaminants that could cause it to tarnish.
You might even want to invest in anti-tarnish paper strips that can be placed alongside your stored sterling silver jewelry. That should guarantee that you won't have to worry about your jewelry tarnishing.
Proper cleaning of your Keepsake Jewelry:
Clean your Jewelry Keepsake with very mild soap and water with a soft bristle toothbrush. Do not submerge it in water or jewelry cleaner, and dry the Keepsake Jewelry well immediately after cleaning. Gently polish ONLY with a polishing cloth specifically for jewelry.
DO NOT use abrasive materials like paper towels to clean/wipe your Keepsake Jewelry (this will scratch the surface).
Not following these instructions can result in discoloration/damage to your
precious Keepsake Jewelry!